Addiction has given me trouble for
quite some time, in my daily life and conceptually. Many people I’ve
encountered in my life have suffered from obvious and some much less
obvious addictions and have candidly shared at least parts of those
experiences. But I believe that there are many more people I know
suffering silently with addiction, too ashamed to speak about it or
ask for help. In writing this, I am attempting to transition from the
silent sufferer to the open and honest addict because I believe that
is where the solution lies.
An Attempt to Define Addiction
As defined by the Medical Dictionary, addiction is: “a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance.” It isn’t simply engaging with a particular vice. That's the first step, but eventually it develops into a psychological surrender into believe the substance or action has control of you instead of the other way around. In addition to the traditional usual suspects of substance addiction like illicit drugs, alcohol, and smoking, several other forms of addiction are just as prevalent and on the rise including: prescription drugs; internet, smart phone, and social media use; television; pornography; sex; video games; shopping; eating disorders (both over and under eating); gambling; sleep; working; making money; and broadly, ego elevation.