Monday, October 14, 2019

Everyone's An Addict

My name is Ari, and I’m an addict. The details of my addition are moot, and not the point of this piece. Whatever specific substance, behavior, or situation causes a chemical reaction in the pleasure center of my brain such that I achieve a temporary pleasure which later is compulsively sought again and again is fodder for the grotesque and would distract from what I wish to accomplish here. Now, I understand that this public admission, bereft of details as it is, may not be sufficient to gain the trust of you, my dear reader. You are entitled to call me a coward or non-committal for not revealing the specifics, but it doesn't make any thing I'm about to say any less true.

Addiction has given me trouble for quite some time, in my daily life and conceptually. Many people I’ve encountered in my life have suffered from obvious and some much less obvious addictions and have candidly shared at least parts of those experiences. But I believe that there are many more people I know suffering silently with addiction, too ashamed to speak about it or ask for help. In writing this, I am attempting to transition from the silent sufferer to the open and honest addict because I believe that is where the solution lies.

An Attempt to Define Addiction
Paulo Zerbato -
As defined by the Medical Dictionary, addiction is: “a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance.” It isn’t simply engaging with a particular vice. That's the first step, but eventually it develops into a psychological surrender into believe the substance or action has control of you instead of the other way around. In addition to the traditional usual suspects of substance addiction like illicit drugs, alcohol, and smoking, several other forms of addiction are just as prevalent and on the rise including: prescription drugs; internet, smart phone, and social media use; television; pornography; sex; video games; shopping; eating disorders (both over and under eating); gambling; sleep; working; making money; and broadly, ego elevation.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Modern Capitalism: How Is This Different Than a Ponzi Scheme?

Introduction: The Ponzi Scheme
If you Google “Ponzi Scheme” you will get this result:

“Ponzi scheme (n): A form of fraud in which belief in the success of a non-existent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors”

Running a Ponzi Scheme is illegal. It is illegal because it is considered a form of fraud, that the perpetrator of the scheme deceives investors with false statements about the nature of the business and what produces the returns. While the perpetrator may tell their clients that they are investing in a certain type of security, or financial product, or focused on some hot new industry sector, they are in fact just finding new investors to buy into the scheme, using the new investor's capital to pay returns to the original investors, which gives the illusion of investment returns. This process is repeated as long as possible, but it inevitably leads to a crash of the operation when the perpetrator cannot find enough new investors to pay back the old ones.

The man himself, Charles Ponzi. I trust him (image from

Unfortunately when I , the cynic that I occasionally am, think of a the dominant economic philosophy of the Western world, I come up with pretty much the same description.