My main reason for being in favor of the legalization of all drugs is that the illegality of drugs is not what prevents people from doing them. I will discuss this more throughout. But if we decide that is a true statement, then what really is the purpose making drug illegal? The goal of making drugs illegal (I think) is to restrict the use so that those who are not experts about the substance do not make mistakes with it and hurt themselves or others. However, I think the logic of solving that problem with that solution is very flawed. I think additionally our history of attempts to win the “war on drugs” shows that this policy plainly isn’t working. Particular examples of it not working are the terrible violence in Mexico the past few years that has resulted in senseless reckless ultra violent death of those involved in the drug trade, public officials trying to combat the drug trade, family members of both of these groups, and just plain ordinary citizens who live in Mexico. Another example is the swelling prison populations we’re facing domestically. Even if you don’t care about any of these who suffer from this policy because you think they are less important people, let me explain what a terrible fiscal policy this is for our country that leads to more extraction of American wealth, something you must care about... unless you’re a nihilist of course.
Ok, here is why this logic is flawed, simple. If you want to influence an individual’s behavior so that they don’t make mistakes, you have to educate them on the front end before they make mistakes. This policy does not accomplish that. This policy provides consequences only once the crime has been committed. Retroactive education on drugs (i.e. incarceration, rehab) is not completely useless in combating the problem, but I don’t think it is very effective. How many celebrities with expensive drug problems only need to go to rehab once? How many drug addicts face multiple drug convictions? Once drugs have gotten to the point where they are mentally or physically addicting it is generally too late to have a true complete recovery. This is also the point where prosecution of drug use or possession has little effect. Drugs are very tricky in that they aren’t a thing where you can just let psychological conditioning take its effect because it alters mental perception. They make you think you are getting a good outcome and should repeat the behavior when really you are probably getting a bad one. Addicts can get sober, but it is a very long tough process and in many of those cases there are real irreversible consequences from the use that has already been done be it mental, physical, emotional, stunting of career development/opportunities, etc. So as this policy of illegality does not successfully deter consumption it does not provide any real benefit and drags along with it numerous other problems